Steve Mitchell

A Christian and Geologist discusses Answers

         Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

traditional site of Jesus’ crucifixion, burial and resurrection

What do we know about Jesus?

Did Jesus exist?

Is the New Testament credible?

Did Jesus raise from the dead?

What about questions from skeptics?

Does science support the Christian faith?

Is there a creator?

Does the Bible conflict with modern science?

Was the earth designed for us?

P o t p o u r r i    T o p i c s

A variety of topics, some Apologetic, but also to include others that I choose to talk about.

Every Christian has days when they wonder if their faith is true.  I suspect every skeptic wonders it there isn’t something to Christian faith.  If I am asked, why do I believe that Christianity is true, here are three key reasons.  Just as a photographers or surveyor’s tripod provides a solid support for their instruments, for me, these three provide a firm support for my faith.  I find that science demands a creator and the Bible identifies that creator. Science tells us some about the character of God but is limited. Jesus reveals so much more about God, but was he really God?  That is why the resurrection is vital. The third leg is personal experience.  It is all a bit academic if we can’t experience Him.  Here I include, not just my own experience but others that I know well enough to firmly believe what they report.  By itself, experience is still subjective.  If that were the only support for my beliefs, I would find it very shaky.  With the three legs, I am confident to use the Bible as God’s word on which to build my life.

1 + 9 =

Can “Young Earth Creation”  and “Flood Geology” explain the history of Earth??

If the conventional geologic timeline is real, what does this mean for the Bible record?