A Mind behind the Universe and a Deck of Cards
Is it wrong to consider probability when thinking about reality that the universe was designed by a mind?
Wearing down mountains
The geologist says that the earth is billions of years old. The young earth creationist (YEC) says that it is 6-10,000 years old. Rocks don’t come with dates on them. How would we know? YEC and other “flood geology” (FG) proponents claim that most of the rocks on...
Examine the Book of Luke
Who wrote Luke? When? Is it to be trusted?
Is the NT trustworthy? Can we test it?
People have gone through periods when everyone believed what they saw in television, but now most don’t believe it all. It is a standard joke that “it must be true, I saw it on the internet”. How about books? Very few religions make historical claims like...
Age of the Earth proposals
Christians differ on many things such as how and when to baptize, when we should expect the Jesus’ return and how churches should be organized. Although the Holy Spirit does guide towards truth, it is clear that His work will not be complete on this side of heaven....
Who was Jesus?
Who do people think Jesus really was? A good man? A reformer? A charlatan? A failed Messiah?
Introducing the Creator
Steve at the Areopagus (Mars Hill) in Athens"Imagine this scenario: you have to introduce someone who you really admire to a friend who really knows nothing about them. The person might be famous in their own field, but unknown outside of it. You might need to tell...
Introducing the Age of the Earth from Bible
This portion of the Blog will include posts that relate to the interpretation of Creation in the Bible. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God...
Jesus in Science Blog
Blog of Science and the Christian faith
Blog – Jesus in History posts
This blog will discuss how we see Jesus in History.