Old Testament reliability

53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically


The New Testament presents God coming to earth in the historical setting of Israel.  It is built on the foundation of the Old Testament. How should we read the OT?  Some take it as a book of fables.  It is an ancient document with historical information and a religious message.  Such documents are used for historical information throughout the world by archaeologists and historians.  One way to demonstrate that the Bible is far more than a book of fables is to see how it is anchored to real historical events, right down to the individuals.  We should not be surprised that we cannot confirm most of the people named.  The linked article identifies 53 people from the OT, that are basically beyond dispute.  There are many others that can be tentatively confirmed, such as the prophet Isaiah.    The religious ideas presented are set in a real historical setting.  Faith in the religious ideas is based on evidence.