Issue #1: Ancient and Modern Reefs
Many intervals called in FG to be flood deposits include large, thick reef deposits which could not have grown during the 1-year flood. Thick reefs in the post-flood interval, including modern reefs took much longer to grown than are feasible in FG timeline.
Issue #4: Fossil Record
I show how rocks show consistent changes in the fossils found, such that recent life is never represented in the older rocks and almost all of the oldest forms disappeared from the later rocks. The consistency of the record on all of the continents shows that this was not the result of migration of forms or hydrodynamic differences in species.
Issue #3 Radiometric dating
Large numbers of measurements have been made from around the world consistently point to the dated rocks being much older than the YEC time frame allows. These are not flukes. They are the rule not the exception. – No easy errors are found in either the theory or methodology exist that invalidate this methodology. Large well-funded efforts have tried.
Genesis by Stephen Mitchell
Wondering through a bookstore some years back, I ran across a book that interested me, especially because I had apparently written it. You would think that I would have known! As the image shows, it is a translation of Genesis by Stephen Mitchell. I had to buy it,...
New Discovery of Early Writing in Israel
A while back, I posted about a discovery that showed that ancient Israel from the time of the Kings of Judah was more literate than many scholars believed: New Report… Ancient Israel more Literate than Expected These texts dated to ~600 BC. The actual oldest known...
Dinosaur Eggs during the Flood – really?
New discoveries of dinosaurs sitting on nests don’t fit Flood Geology.
Written in Stone… Did King David really exist?
At one time, it was common for archaeologists in the Holy Land to claim that the Biblical David was just a legend with no historical basis. Archaeology said otherwise. Then it was popular to say that he may have existed but he was just an inconsequential tribal...
Book: Carved in Stone by Dr. Timothy Clarey: An Old-Earth Response
Released in 2020, this book proposes that by examining the strata on three continents he can support that they were deposited by Noah’s flood. Is that real? How does that match geology?
How do new archaeological discoveries impact our ideas on the origins of humans as spiritual beings?
Did Adam and Eve live over 50,000 years ago? When did man begin to have the spiritual dimension that makes him special? Recent discoveries provide clues.
Llano Estacado in New Mexico and Texas Vs. YEC and Flood Geology
The geology of Palo Duro Canyon and the Llano Estacado region provides a great test for the predictions of “Young Earth Creation” and “Flood Geology”. Were the rocks deposited by a great flood or were they by slower geological processes over millions of years? We find spearpoints made by Paleoindians from flints formed in the area. If Abraham used flint for weapons, could it have hardened in the time available in the Young Earth model?