Issue #4:  Fossil Record

Issue #4: Fossil Record

I show how rocks show consistent changes in the fossils found, such that recent life is never represented in the older rocks and almost all of the oldest forms disappeared from the later rocks. The consistency of the record on all of the continents shows that this was not the result of migration of forms or hydrodynamic differences in species.

Issue #3 Radiometric dating

Issue #3 Radiometric dating

Large numbers of measurements have been made from around the world consistently point to the dated rocks being much older than the YEC time frame allows. These are not flukes. They are the rule not the exception. – No easy errors are found in either the theory or methodology exist that invalidate this methodology. Large well-funded efforts have tried.

Genesis by Stephen Mitchell

Genesis by Stephen Mitchell

Wondering through a bookstore some years back, I ran across a book that interested me, especially because I had apparently written it.  You would think that I would have known!  As the image shows, it is a translation of Genesis by Stephen Mitchell.  I had to buy it,...

Llano Estacado in New Mexico and Texas Vs. YEC and Flood Geology

Llano Estacado in New Mexico and Texas Vs. YEC and Flood Geology

The geology of Palo Duro Canyon and the Llano Estacado region provides a great test for the predictions of “Young Earth Creation” and “Flood Geology”. Were the rocks deposited by a great flood or were they by slower geological processes over millions of years? We find spearpoints made by Paleoindians from flints formed in the area. If Abraham used flint for weapons, could it have hardened in the time available in the Young Earth model?