Young Earth Creationists (YEC) claim that the earth is 5-10,000 years old and that most of the Earth’s rock record formed in Noah’s flood. They claim that scientific data supports this conclusion. Is there positive evidence that the earth is young?? The video here examines some of those claims. Some believe that dinosaurs support their particular Biblical interpretations. Some claim that there are human footprints found with dinosaur tracks. Some claim that recent finds of dinosaur soft tissue cannot have existed for millions of years, therefore the Earth is young. Some claim that if diamonds were formed billions of years ago and yet YEC detect C14 in diamonds, they must be young. Some claim that recent volcanics are age dated to be thousands or millions of years old, and therefore a YE is possible. Many explain the Earth’s plate movements by rapid “catastrophic tectonics”, yet radiometric dates show similar rates in the past to those that we find today as reported by GPS data. This video is of a talk originally given for the Houston chapter of Reasons to Believe. It documents reasons why the YEC claims are not viable. 


The full video includes some introductory material that describes the range of views that Christians hold in how they interpret Genesis. The shorter version takes out this introductory material, dealing just with the YEC claims.


Full Version

With introductory material

Just discussing evidence

Without introduction