by Stephen Mitchell | Nov 2, 2022 | Early Man, Jesus and Science
Printable PDF Exceptionally Human : Who are humans? Are they accidents or purposed beings? Consider two views of humans: Humans are a product of blind naturalistic evolution and thus of no greater intrinsic value than an ape, or a cow or even a mosquito....
by Stephen Mitchell | Jul 12, 2022 | Bible and Creation, Early Man, Jesus and Science
Select Adam and Eve to view video: YouTube link: Genesis begins with creation, including two people Adam and Eve. Christians have many views about who they were and...
by Stephen Mitchell | Feb 23, 2022 | Age of the Earth, Evolution, Geology and the Flood
Evaluation of examples reported by: John Woodmorappe In this interesting database, John Woodmorappe, MS Geology, BA Biology, and prominent young...
by Stephen Mitchell | Feb 9, 2022 | Age of the Earth, Geology and the Flood
Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels Printable PDF File: Tidal Clocks and Flood Geology Introduction If I were to ask you when you were born, I might be looking for different sorts of answers. I might want to know the year, a calendar sort of answer. We might be discussing...
by Stephen Mitchell | Nov 5, 2021 | Design, Design in nature
Science news outlets commonly tell us that the universe is full of planets that could host life. These reports normally have a very short list of requirements to qualify as habitable. Reality is a bit more complex. Part of the problem is that without a visit, we...
by Stephen Mitchell | Nov 2, 2021 | Age of the Earth, Geology and the Flood
Young Earth Creationists (YEC) claim that the earth is 5-10,000 years old and that most of the Earth’s rock record formed in Noah’s flood. They claim that scientific data supports this conclusion. Is there positive evidence that the earth is young?? The video here...
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